
Last modified on Jul 06 2023.

A WebDAV client for Windows OS.


CarotDAV is a Simple WebDAV / FTP / SFTP / Online Storages client for Windows OS, available free of charge. In addition, simplified WebDAV server for local use are embedded.

Screen Shot

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Complied Standards, Features


Installer Version

  1. Ver. 1.16.3 SHA-1: 057f213679bc7dd989c31508c52c2b8748df95d6
  2. Ver. 1.16.2 SHA-1: f400b11d5b66745baef61fc3a0d0b2ae7f009732
  3. Ver. 1.16.1 SHA-1: 9321936c2fca5a657645890a4c1d59d4b632cc1b
  4. Ver. 1.15.10 SHA-1: 60c221e5f9be9ffcfdab5b7836af38a1ac084af1
  5. Ver. 1.15.9 SHA-1: a1f573958dc53a7ea5ff496762b8f5b6f150db07
  6. Ver. 1.15.8 SHA-1: f9612d3390b5a541b042c9faec5414989626035a
  7. Ver. 1.15.7 SHA-1: 1366982326d039d4bf52bf1f0bfa11f04d953c26
  8. Ver. 1.15.5 SHA-1: c464118dec1c79d5617415a72ef28b61b95d3546
  9. Ver. 1.15.3 SHA-1: adf5649039171795140d6bebd7a10dd93cdf3b5d
  10. Ver. 1.15.2 SHA-1: 209819c20d953d20647ec771ad58e717185c09b4
  11. Ver. 1.15.1 SHA-1: 6f830e87f67618556d4cc5ce06486632c2960546
  12. Ver. 1.14.10 SHA-1: e42e4c3dc56706875596cbc69d680c6728e6b05f
  13. Ver. 1.14.6 SHA-1: 7604ae92c28ab2e17e3460350ea73dbddc0e4eb3
  14. Ver. 1.14.3 SHA-1: 6e713057eecdc5c290c41f8c0c4aaef4284761f5
  15. Ver. 1.14.2 SHA-1: f72d37a358a3790afa9a80d0c85a94ffc5f2bf11
  16. Ver. 1.13.3 SHA-1: e809de343d834e7b47eccb9015fe1c378f21c153
  17. Ver. 1.12.8 SHA-1: 9cb7b8d8e882a2039e4b7a252c2dc02fd897ca32
  18. Ver. 1.12.4 SHA-1: e8f0d3c8526c723406fbb4f82510f83a88fb9f48
  19. Ver. 1.12.1 SHA-1: 2c03f9d64bf680a49699cd8bd5cec5cc62eb0672
  20. Ver. 1.11.15 プロ生ちゃん版 SHA-1: 3362bf9be1d339a3a75d148b6bf2bf77d21a84c3
  21. Ver. 1.11.11 SHA-1: a69d2b419e63341af41fbfbb954a8127ec6736d2
  22. Ver. 1.11.8
  23. Ver. 1.10.9
  24. Ver. 1.9.11
  25. Ver. 1.8.5
  26. Ver. 1.7.3
  27. Ver. 1.6.14
  28. Ver. 1.5.5

Portable Version

  1. Ver. 1.16.3 SHA-1: 2af1c887d05e6251ba764c7895683ae03560b407
  2. Ver. 1.16.1 SHA-1: 5d1f08469a62d1e0c2165c500c5aef9ca0bdd3c8
  3. Ver. 1.16.1 SHA-1: b2538bbffa538b6068bfe5763de4eb0a24249191
  4. Ver. 1.15.10 SHA-1: 8a035f17f876cdcca74e39b01fe4b3318e26a269
  5. Ver. 1.15.9 SHA-1: ffeec894a753c37b2fdf0cd7fe688013cd288bb5
  6. Ver. 1.15.8 SHA-1: 860a4168492c06fc9a646ecb5e2e2833db74cf87
  7. Ver. 1.15.7 SHA-1: 21358bb0d1fe49960fb577bf761c584bcfb92fa7
  8. Ver. 1.15.5 SHA-1: 45a3859de58bde9c12fd4792fa54d48fb0a30184
  9. Ver. 1.15.3 SHA-1: fbbce7eecc9d897f0438da3260770e3d76501359
  10. Ver. 1.15.2 SHA-1: f140684ea59f41755f2f9a9007bc99f41d367587
  11. Ver. 1.15.1 SHA-1: 77cc71aad5ef9c982a9cbc8cb7d5f918c983da1f
  12. Ver. 1.14.10 SHA-1: 36ba1c126a82d93ce1197aec6919b6dd89e649fd -->s
  13. Ver. 1.14.6 SHA-1: 81ca8140e93adf7522db0c3b125b5dedae7c0a9c
  14. Ver. 1.14.3 SHA-1: 6418bf0ab9294545336552e26c2729c34b82fd8d
  15. Ver. 1.14.2 SHA-1: 30f4a4da3fa19a3f8659df4931bfd62ce59af7fd
  16. Ver. 1.13.3 SHA-1: 769be6b0b69d6ed412e94ec55a9ca52f055d168d
  17. Ver. 1.12.8 SHA-1: 707c2a95524b40106e2c9fe6744afb04d9ae8601
  18. Ver. 1.12.4 SHA-1: 384092f03f448ad6a88054eee373fd08589a0f4a
  19. Ver. 1.12.1 SHA-1: d375b7d604274bf21a16597b53df581616a1ffc5
  20. Ver. 1.11.15 プロ生ちゃん版 SHA-1: 169b4c7face5a83538a6c7c4babe98d38096415a
  21. Ver. 1.11.11 SHA-1: 21b6d79d94d7345c070545165a8441ce822f6dfb
  22. Ver. 1.11.8
  23. Ver. 1.10.9
  24. Ver. 1.9.11
  25. Ver. 1.8.5

License, Charge, Donation, etc...


This software is free of charge. You can use it personally or commercially. You are also allowed to distribute secondary, fix/alter, do reverse-engineering.


Donations can be accepted via BitCoin / gumroad / PayPal. You can also buy merchandise products.


For the people who are carrot dependence or a kind of rabbit, on-demand merchandise products are available.
Use oversea shipping service if necessary.






You should take care of below from the point of security / privacy.

About Security

By default, passwords are saved with no encryption.

In the setting file, there are login IDs and raw passwords. By default, it is not encrypted. If you want to avoid risk, use master password.

WebDAV server doesn't support user authentication or SSL/TLS.

Since WebDAV server of CarotDAV is designed for local use, it becomes dangerous if the settings are wrong. Use loopback address( to prevent access from others.

During OAuth procedure, CarotDAV shows the other site.

Some services needs HTTPS server during OAuth. Since this site doesn't support HTTPS, CarotDAV use this page instead. I assure that site is safe in the same way as CarotDAV.

About Privacy

CarotDAV accesses version file to confirm update on boot. Below informations are logged on the server at that time.

I keep these logs not to be seen from others as possible. I might use or public these information after statistical processing. I might show these logs to public institution if they claim.

CarotDAV and I collect no other information.

In detail, see the Privacy Policy of this Software.